a colorized image of the Ivan Allen Jr. prize sculpture

Event Details

Symposium, Awards Presentation, and Luncheon

Friday, Feb. 14 
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 
Georgian Ballroom, Biltmore  

Parking is available in nearby lots. We recommend the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center or the AT&T Deck.
View parking information. 


The RSVP has closed for the Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage. 
Limited space is still available. Email events@gatech.edu to inquire for a spot. 

Featured Panelists

panel headshots


The symposium will take place during the luncheon. 
We are excited to be joined by:

Moderator: Rafael Romo, CNN National Correspondent 
Eric Farnsworth, Vice President of Americas and Society Council of the Americas 
Jennie Lincoln, Senior Advisor for Latin America and the Caribbean, The Carter Center  
Charles Shapiro, Former U.S. Ambassador to Venezuela and Former Director of the World Affairs Council